Friday, August 31, 2007


Not actually Flash's. Flash's token black friend's brother's and of course, Flash's friend is the best man. Which makes it a trifle unfortunate - if eminently predictable - when the portal to Mongo opens, beasties (paradise bugs) pop out and bite him.

Thanks to our Mongol native, we know that these are fatal. You'd think the best thing to do would be to make an excuse for him or something but no he's taken to the wedding, where Dale has to be a real bitch to him to stop him dying (stops the poison).

Naturally, Flash has to go off and get the cure... from a bunch of women, who aren't keen on men... and keep eunuchs around. So, Flash has to get them an urn back - which requires a trip to Ming's palace... All in all, it unfolds by the numbers from there and isn't very captivating.

The following episode is a big improvement... Flash gets his hopes up when a portal opens and a video shows his father coming through... but then, it seems that ol' dad has got murder on the mind.

We have a good dynamic with Flash and the bounty hunter... and Zharkov is used wonderfully. His paranoid, rantings show a glimmer of the character he was in the movie - which is, naturally great. Eventually Flash realises that his father, this is not (the murdering was a clue) and all is well... the first episode approaching "good".

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