Tuesday, February 08, 2011

The UK has a history of SCI-FI that is chequered.

In recent years about all there has been is Doctor Who and Primeval... which are respectively mostly good and rubbish.

But the BBC will keep trying... and so, OUTCASTS!

A show that is struggling to get as many cliches as possible!

It's post-apocalyptic, it's an off-world colony, they had a virus that killed only kids, that have clones, they blamed the clones for the virus that killed their kids, the clones weren't able to produce BUT NOW CAN and as we're all of two episodes in - you can imagine we'll get some pay off on the vague and mystical notion.

The horrible acting, dialogue and just general tedium does NOTHING to make this show good.

Did the BBC learn NOTHING from The Deep? This is just another car crash. It doesn't matter if you get the budget or the high profile actors if the script is rubbish - it's going to be a bad product.

Why, oh why must the business hate and belittle writers? THEY MAKE THE SHOW.

Perhaps there was nothing to ruin here.

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