Sunday, February 18, 2007

Does anyone really believe in the "special relationship" between the UK and the USA? Well, aside from the more than just friendly one between Tony Blair and George Bush... because a president and his poodle are TIGHT.

Seriously, Tony Blair engaged in what might be one of the most singularly unpopular acts of any prime minister, quite possibly since the poll tax and certainly, the most publicly protested. War on Iraq has been an unparalleled failure and despite the inability of the tabloid press to maintain criticism of it once we had gone to war.

The Americas have had precious little love of their imperial overlords for some two hundred or more years now... but let's not get into that particular debacle... let us focus on the so called "special relationship"... First spoken of by Winston Churchill... Ironically, that speech - which entailed a Cold War - very much enraged the American public, whom he was trying to woo...

A half century has past and the literal war debt has been repaid but I tell you, at no time has there been a special relationship between Britain and the United States. Where was the USA when we went to war with Argentina? Naturally, it was all rather ill advised but that's rather beside the point.

We aren't being paid for this war in Iraq like we were the last one... special relationship... about as special as getting an STD. As if Britain has anything more to worry about than itself.

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