Sunday, February 18, 2007

We're in something of a strange situation these days. The media - and general population - have an attention span that would make a gnat tick... but the media is now actually AWARE of its immensely short attention span.

It strikes me as ironic that many in the media - most especially newspapers, which is perhaps ironic as they're surely the most likely to be made obsolete as the encroachment of mobile technology becomes ever more pervasive - will appoint themselves guardians of society... but never seem to take a long view...

But naturally, the desire to sate all desires immediately is probably the greatest problem in society and has led to this short attention span... not that we should blame mass consumerism but rather a society that has sought to foster the notion of instant gratification with no thought of tomorrow... it seems as if the ideal lifestyle being espoused these days is to be a non-ebrity from reality TV, living on credit and thinking of nothing more than your next tabloid headline.

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